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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Climate Change: What Can We Do From It?

           Every one of us is concerned for what is happening to our world. In our modern days, we are living in a “not so sure” place since there is always that problem everywhere and as the time passes by. One of these is the climate change. Diverse weather and climate is experiencing for every month and there is that loss of hope in all of us. So, is there still a solution for this problem?

Each of the individual are designed to help the in participating to  reduce the costs of meeting their emissions targets by achieving or acquiring reductions more cheaply in other countries than at home. Processes undertaken to reduce or halt the changing climate need to be conducted worldwide or they will have little effect. To put these measures into actions they must be coupled with providing the villages with education, information and research. Protection Strategies are such things as changes in crop variety, irrigation, fertilizers and management; the defense of vulnerable areas and natural resources; planting trees; carbon trading; sustainable development; urban greening; and fostering growth in plantation forestry and revegetation to act as a sink. The question is, "Are they succeeding" dealing with such vital issues as the submission of information about national actions (including the transfer of financial support to climate change in the Philippines). Developing a renewable industry is a topic of immediate importance. With their withdrawal, what future does it take to this catastrophe. The Philippines is encouraged to invest in emission reduction strategies to hone the knowledge, if this is less affirmative than doings. But they are not being driven hard enough. Education, information and research aims to increase the villages public awareness and knowledge of the problem of climate change and how best to avoid it. There is however, one major drawback. The groups or parties are commonly referred to as subsidiary bodies. Introducing education programs and including relevant curricula within schools are very important steps towards educating the young about the problems. Assisting third world village development is being driven primarily through adaptive measures and information, education and research.

 We, the students, could establish ourselves to begin a process toward appropriate action for the change in terms to this situation. The start should start form us!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

How I Define My 2nd ICT Life?

            After three months, another chapter of my life had been gained up in the world of technology. Almost all, even I, enjoyed the second journey in many activities, including the hands-on. But still, there were also difficulties in this matter.
            I can’t deny the fact that for this grading, many mistakes and errors I commit was been my weakness since my goal is to achieve a high grade for today’s grading. Although, I had fun and encouragement to pursue myself to understand the said and given works-to-do. Also, with the help of our great and unbeatable teacher, and to her one and only, our practice teacher, Ms. Queypo.
          For me, I do realize that nothing is impossible to do if there is that “determination” and “perseverance” in yourself and with the help of the people around us, our heroes, the teachers.

English Language: Bridges for Communicative Competence

We all knew that our English language is the universal and most used by others for communication, especially to other countries. But, can we really say that our knowledge in some English terms is enough to broad ourselves for being proficient?
Wide and vast world of English has been surrounded to its branches and to its “true insude” in our new and modern generation. And, with the help of this, all places and different culture of persons will serve as a bridge to each other. Also, this bridge will lead either to communicate in a good way or to compete.
The theme for today’s English Month “Upholding English Proficiency for a Communicative Competence”, aims to open our mind and heart for the acceptance in knowing the whole learningsto this matter and to encourage others to have proficiency to the said language.
Everyone of us can be the key and bridge all through the said theme.

Scientricity: What is it?

Sustainable energy means energy sources that will allow the earth to sustain balance, healthy ecosystem and human life. Sustainable energy that can be produce without using resources that are not be able to renewed.
 In our modern day today, with many new inventions, gadgets and mechanical things existing which are using electricity, we sometimes forgot how to save energy, we are not thinking of the fact that everything in this world is limited -meaning it has an end. As I could see from people, especially those who can afford to pay even if their bill in current is high/big they are the ones who always abuses the use of energy/ electricity. Electricity is very important in our modern day today, cellphones, appliances, laptops and other gadgets won’t work without electricity. Life with electricity is today, life without electricity is only in the history, but are you aware that if we are going to continue abusing and wasting electricity, in the future life will be the same as in the past. That’s the very reason of the Science Clubbers, to wake us up, and make us more aware and responsible for the proper usage and consuming of electricity.
Science clubbers should be the police officers to those who don't have any idea on how to use the resources properly. They should take the task. They should stand as a deserving Science clubber. And one thing.We can be all SCIENCE CLUBBERS in our own ways. Maybe you'd think that you don't have the name so you are excused in doing so. Well, you're definitely WRONG. We are stewards of this land so we are going to do our parts responsibly.

Teachers: The Key Towards the Student's Achievement

A friend, a second mother, an inspiration to all of us, these are some personal traits to one of those whom we considered our modern heroes, our teachers. We always say that there will be no engineers, doctors, nurses, and other professionals if without the help of our teachers.
Everyday we always see their hard work and determination just to deliver the way of their teaching and discuss the lessons for our additional knowledge. But sometimes, we don’t realize their work as the encouraged individuals because it’s just easy for us to witness through the eyes, not from our heart and mind. Let’s just state a fact that we don’t feel their presence as a persevered professional
This day is their day so let’s give them a heartfelt love and care for their undefeatable work as a teacher and a mother to all of us.