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Thursday, January 24, 2013

Reflection: Third Grading

In this new chapter of my life as a student, it had been a lot of nervousness, pressure and hard work that I’d experienced. This is the only grading period where I defined as the “hardest” and “most challenging” due to the new explorations I’ve encountered.
            Every quiz, activities, assignments, projects and other requirements had also been a tough works for me. But, for hands-on activities, I enjoyed it a lot. Not just that, but also to the persons who hold and reign for this subject.
            As a matter of fact, it had been fulfilling for me, as a fourth year student.

Whom To Be This 2013…

            Every January at the beginning of a new year, I often find myself reflecting on the past year and looking for things to change.  I find myself writing resolutions but never really keep up with them.  It seems almost ritualistic to create resolutions in January and then to forget about them come February.  This year, I hope it’s different.  I’m not writing them here to be subject on the scrutiny or opinions.  I’m writing them with the firm belief that if I write them down, I will be more likely to follow them.  If you know me, you know that I’ve had a rough couple of years personally and professionally. 
            I tend to be a “people pleaser”.  I don’t like confrontations.  I know some people who do.  They say they don’t but they thrive on them.  It makes them feel “alive” in a sense.  I don’t like it.  It’s not that when I choose to not argue back that I am conceding.  It is simply that I choose to not stoop to a level of confrontation and argue.  I stop it before it goes too far.  Sometimes this is good.  Sometimes I need to speak up.  I am learning to do this; as not every time will it result in a confrontation.   Also, I need to express my opinion more.  This goes along the same line but it usually is non-confrontational.  I think I just got used to going along with the plans rather take an active role in making them.  I don’t know if this makes sense to you….but it does me.  And that’s all that matters, frankly.
            But, as a true follower of God, it'll still be the same, everlasting!

The True Meaning of Christmas

“Giving gifts and exchanging cards”, this is the first thing that comes to everyone’s mind when someone asked if what is Christmas. It’ll be awesome for many to know that there are main reasons why there is X-mas, instead of giving and receiving. But for me, what “really” is the true essence of this celebration?
            First of all, I just want to inform you, as a reader, that I, as a Jehovah’s Witness, don’t accept X-mas in our faith. Although, I can see from everyone that once the 25th of December comes, they’re all happy and excited. I, as a student, also observed this season and its true meaning. And, I’ve found out that this was the date when Christ was born, based on the Catholic tradition. But, during this season, why can’t I feel “His” presence and message. From that, I’ve realized that many celebrators don’t understand in their mind and heart this “birthdate”.
            As for summary, I just want to say that more than receiving gifts, spreading of love for everyone is the main purpose of Christmas.

Equal Traits, Equal Chances

We are living in a democratic nation, wherein we have the freedom to let our voices be heard. Especially in these days, there are so many reclaims on the aspect of one’s trait. One of these is the opportunity for us to be equally treated, from our rights.
            “Killing someone’s dream”, this is the best phrase that suits for this issue. Even how hard and determined that person just to get the one of his/her lifetime chance, it could be impossible because of discrimination. For instance, someone found a job and tried his luck for an interview. During the talk, the interviewer first saw the physical appearance of the applicant causing him not to hire, because he is “handicapped”. Also, many women are experiencing this kind of trait because some men think that they can’t do what men can do. For short, there’s no gender equality or gender awareness.
            Isn’t it great if we let this society be free, by treating everyone equally? That we have that, “Equal Rights and Equal Opportunities”.